All bits purchased from IDC Woodcraft are guaranteed to handle even the most rigorous cutting jobs.
Beginner or CNC Pro, we have you covered.
You must have a valid purchase through IDC Woodcraft to participate. Under no circumstance will we take back bits that are not ours. We inspect all bits upon arrival.
We're proud to offer the highest quality bits in the industry. Regardless of whether our bits are used for daily production work or hobby crafts, we guarantee to stand by our promise.
If you need a replacement because you broke your bit within 90 days, complete the Guarantee Return Form at the bottom of this page, then send us the bit back and we will replace it. No questions asked.
Look for any other company that has your back with their router bits.
You won't find them!
Please complete this form before returning your router bits to IDC Woodcraft for exchange
Is This Real?
Does This Really Include Every Bit You Sell?
It sure does, just complete the Guarantee Return Form below, send us the old bit back and we will be happy to send you a replacement. No questions asked.
How can IDC woodcraft Afford To Offer This?
We only offer the highest quality cutting tools for your CNC. We consider replacements the cost of doing business keeping you in the shop making amazing projects!
Does this apply to bits used in production?
This sure does! We are so confident in the quality of our bits that we encourage you to use them right from the start in daily production work. We are excited to see what you create!
what about return shipping costs?
All we ask is you get the bit back to us!
Where do I send my broken bit?
Please complete the Guarantee Return Form above on this page and then ship to 322 Broadway St. Apt. 2 Madison, Indiana 47250
Does it Matter Where I purchase my IDC Woodcraft Bits?
Yes, only router bits purchased through or IDC Woodcraft branded bits sold through Amazon are eligible.
Are There Restrictions?
Customers with an excessively high return rate or frequency will be ineligible.