This keyhole router bit, keyhole cutter, for CNC routers (a.k.a. t-slot cutter, keyhole slot cutter, key slot bit) is a woodworking bit designed for T slot on your wall-hanging wood projects. Keyhole t-slot bits for CNC routers are used to cut slots in wood projects when you want them to be flush to the wall, such as plaques, or awards.
The keyhole router bit is especially important when making heavier woodworking projects that hang on walls, such as wood shelving, or deep shadow boxes.
The flutes on this bit are designed to cut down AND sideways cleanly to make your keyhole slots virtually sanding-free.
Keyhole router bit slots are far stronger than using wire or metal serrated hangers and they allow your woodworking CNC project to rest flush against the wall. This 3/8 inch keyhole bit is good for manual routers also.
To see how to set up your keyhole in your design software, watch this YouTube video.
Item SKU: KH-38